Alicampo produces and markets the following products:
Non-genetically modified, Butterfly variety, yellow / orange color, bright, air cleaned, separated by gravity, practically free of external materials.
White, black, red and cranberry beans. Processed and packed, free of insects, mold and foreign matter
Confectionary Sunflower Seeds
Firm texture, air cleaned, calibrated, separated by gravity and practically free of live or dead insects.
Green Peas
Round and uniform, clean, calibrated and dry. The product is practically free of foreign matters, mold and live insects or in evolutionary states.
Argentine origin, un-pitted or pitted using the Ashlock method, tenderized or American, calibrated, clean and dry.
Beige color, round and uniform, clean, calibrated and dry. The product is practically free of foreign matters, mold, live insects or in evolutionary states.